What is orthodontics?

Orthodontics is the specialty that deals with the study and treatment of dent-maxillary anomalies that may be the result of crowding / spacing of teeth, gap size between the maxilla and mandible or of multiple factors (supernumerary teeth etc).

Orthodontic treatment helps to get a perfect smile, healthy gums and to improve TMJ, bringing more quality to our lives.

What is orthodontic treatment ?

Orthodontic treatment is the solution for straightening and aligning of teeth, the stabilization and the correction of occlusal relations between the two arches.

Crooked teeth and incorrect occlusion affects in time the healthy of teeth, gums, and TMJ. The poor mastication has repercussions on the integrity of the digestive tract.

Aparatul ortodontic

Your orthodontist specialist can treat the problems of malocclusion and malposition (mouth closed in the wrong position and wrong positioning of the teeth) with fixed orthodontic appliances or movable (this can be done successfully at any age).

Throughout the treatment the orthodontist will monitor the evolution monthly and will adapt the treatment according to the results.

Do I need an orthodontic treatment?

Many people have misaligned teeth, and their straightening is not only an aesthetic goal, but an improvement in oral-dental health.

When the teeth are not overlapping properly, the jaw muscles are additionally solicited, leading to problems in joints, or even headaches.

How long does it take for an orthodontic treatment?

The time of treatment depends on the severity of the problem and can last from several months to two or three years.

Most patients are treated during one or two years. Meanwhile, office visits are required every 4 weeks. After removal of the orthodontic appliance, in most cases it is necessary to wear a device of contention, to help maintain the new position of the teeth.

In what will consist the orthodontic treatment

The first step will be an examination after which your orthodontist will establish a treatment plan and will make an orthodontic device that you will wear throughout treatment, coming regularly to control. All this is done in several sessions.

Session 1: Consultation and case analysis

Examining teeth and the position in which they are located and come in contact with each other then take an impression of your teeth which will serve to the realization of a „study model”. The orthodontist will use your teethes radio-graphs to make measurements of distance and the amount of space between teeth, then will design a treatment plan adapted to your case, it will explain it to you, and will show you the results that will be reached at the end of treatment. If your teeth have some problems (caries, destruction) he will indicate their treatment to your dentist before beginning orthodontic treatment for straightening teeth.

Session 2: Installing orthodontic device

Movable orthodontic devices (the ones you can get out of your teeth without your doctor intervention) are made by your technician in laboratory and the orthodontist will explain how to mount and how to maintain them between control visits.

Fixed orthodontic devices (those that are stuck on your teeth) are mounted in office by your orthodontist. This session can take 1-2 hours depending on the complexity of the device.It will be explained to you which is the optimal method for oral hygiene and you will receive important information you need to respect throughout your treatment.

Continuing consultations

Regular monitoring sessions: These are monthly, or at the interval your orthodontist considers necessary, and take place throughout the realization of the orthodontic treatment, and wearing of the orthodontic device.

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